Finally, the Long-Term Solution for Back Pain Relief is Here…

Discover the Secret to Stopping the Root Cause of
Back Pain…All on Your Own!

It’s Time to Break Free From Pain and
Get Back to the Happy Healthy Life You Deserve.

Yes You Can:

Stop wasting time and money on treatments that don’t work long-term.

Feel better than you ever have…at any age.

Stop low back pain and sciatica with one simple stretch.

Back to Life is the only system in the world that stops back pain at its root by combining ancient healing movements that date back over 5,000 years with the most cutting-edge discoveries of modern science.
So you can end your pain and feel more healthy, fit and energized.

Because, believe it or not, your body was
not made to have chronic pain.

If you’ve blamed yourself for not being able to get out of pain, you need to know it’s not your fault.

Did you know that chronic back pain is a relatively new problem in human history?

In fact, people in indigenous cultures that are removed from modern societies report almost no back pain even today.

So why are 8/10 adults in Western societies suffering from back pain in epidemic numbers?

The answer is shocking.

Starting with the Industrial Revolution, the advances in technology that make our lives easier...

...have actually been making our back pain worse.

Like most people, you probably never knew that the long hours spent…

- working at a computer

- driving in cars

- and even texting on our phones…

...pull our spines and joints out of their healthy alignment and cause our backs to become dangerously dysfunctional.

This leaves us more vulnerable to serious back conditions and injuries that, until recently, never existed in human history.

But what can we do? In our modern daily lives, there’s no way we can avoid the
technological advances that have been sabotaging our bodies.
Don’t worry, your body is magnificently designed to be self-repairing - even after years of strain.

When I found myself completely crippled by low back pain, broke from years of wasted treatments and facing risky surgery as my last option...

...I discovered the precise simple movements and gentle stretches that brought my spine, hips, and joints into optimal alignment. And when I did that it triggered my body's innate ability to self-repair years of damage.

My pain went away almost overnight and I have now been completely pain free for over a decade.

Since then, I have helped over 100,000 people of all ages around the world to take their health back into their own hands by using this same healing program to keep their backs healthy…

...even without having to make any major changes to their modern daily routines.

Like Mary...

“I became injured and barely could even walk. I had three months of physical therapy, I went to the chiropractor numerous times…I was so frustrated! None of it was working, I actually thought I was losing my mind! I read a newspaper article about Emily and her new program and I thought, I NEED to try this! I can honestly say it has changed my life. I don’t take Ibuprofen every day. I am physically active. I can bend over and touch my toes. And I can play with my grandbabies at will. And to me that’s everything!”

- Mary W. 67 Years Old

And Bob...

“I ran into this really difficult situation with this really terrible pain down the back of my leg. I found out later it was called sciatic pain. It was difficult for me to get out of a chair and walk down the hall. My wife introduced me to Emily’s technique because I really needed to get rid of this pain…so I started doing it and after a few sessions I became totally pain free! And I’ve been pain free for over a year!”

- Bob T. 54 Years Old

And Karen...

“I'm 56 years old. I was having sciatic problems and I had gone to a chiropractor for about 3 months and I was getting no results... So I went online and I found Emily’s program and it’s amazing! I feel so good! My body feels good! She knows exactly what to do to make the pain go away! Ever since I’ve done this I feel healthier and more fit. It’s been amazing!”

- Karen B. 56 Years Old

Hi, I'm Emily...

I know firsthand that back pain doesn’t just hurt your back, it hurts your whole life.

Most people know me as a nationally certified top health and fitness expert and a happy, active mom of two. But my life didn’t always look like this.

When I was a child I survived a near-fatal accident that left me with years of chronic debilitating pain. At my lowest point I was unable to work, barely able to move, 30 pounds overweight and deeply depressed.

And worst of all, I worried that I may never be able to have children because I could barely take care of myself, let alone a baby.

I know what it’s like to feel trapped in your body by pain.

And I also know what it’s like to lose hope.

But now, I am blessed to be a happy, active mom of two. And I am living proof that it is not only possible to bounce back from years of chronic pain, you can feel better than you ever have!

Over the past ten years I have worked with thousands of in-person clients around the country and now tens of thousands of people all over the world have used my program to finally get the relief they’ve been longing for...

And discover the powerful secret that our bodies are made to thrive at any age.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what kind of shape
you’re in, this program is easy and effective for everyone.

Here are The Benefits You Can Expect

No More Stiff Achy Muscles

Enjoy your daily activities without the burden of aches and pains weighing you down. This system gives you everything you need to help counteract the physical stresses that are put on your body by your daily life so you can get back to living life on your own terms.

Save Time and Money

Are you tired of having to make time for long, expensive weekly treatments? The tools in this system can be done in just minutes…or even seconds a day… right in your own home. So you reclaim all of the time and money that back pain has been costing you.

Easily Return to Your Body’s Natural Healthy Alignment

Did you know that when your spine and joints are in their proper alignment, your body is capable of AMAZING THINGS? -repair damage from old injuries -improve immunity -decrease the stress on your joints and prevent arthritis -safeguard your discs and nerves -have more youthful energy and vitality

Stress Relief

We all know that stress takes a big toll on your body. It increases toxic hormone levels that trigger weight gain and it causes the muscles in your back to tense and tighten up. That is why this one-of-a-kind program is designed to help you decrease stress and release tension so your body can function at its highest level.

Weight Loss

When back pain strikes, it makes it impossible to be as active as you would like. Most back pain sufferers have to give up the fitness routines and daily activities that kept them in-shape. But now you can help your back while getting the slim, toned body you want all at the same time. That is one of the things that makes this system so effective - it is the only system that helps improve your whole body, not just your back.

Decrease Depression and Experience More Joy

Recent research has shown that chronic back pain causes a decrease in your “happy hormone,” serotonin. So if back pain has you feeling down, you’re not alone. And you can fix that. The tools in this program have been shown to not only relieve pain, but also improve your overall well-being, mood and energy levels.

Here’s a small taste of what you’re getting:

Quick, Easy and Effective

Unlike most treatment methods, you don’t have to waste hours each week on “fluff.” Because let’s face it, who has the time? This program is meant to fit effortlessly into your daily life with healthy back routines that are highly effective - so you can get the results you want without having to wait. In fact, many of these moves can be done in just minutes...or even seconds per day!

Stop Sciatica with One 30-Second Chair Stretch

Tens of thousands of people around the world are discovering that sciatica can be stopped simply, without painful injections, adjustments or surgery. Discover the one ancient stretch that you can do in just 30 seconds to stop sciatica at its source.

“No Crunch” Core Moves For a Tighter FLATTER stomach FAST

Forget about wasting hours in a sweaty gym - this program gives you the most cutting edge core moves that you can do at any time during the day for a stronger, tighter core. When you strengthen your core, you create a powerhouse of support for your back, so tight lower back muscles can finally be released for good.

The Youthful Spine Seated Moves That You Can Do At Home or At Work

Most people think they need to commit to long hours in a yoga class in order to regain their youthful ease of motion. But with the right tools, our bodies can bounce back much faster. The one-of-a-kind seated moves in this program can be done any time, anywhere, so you can help your back without any hassle.

Daily Healthy Back Tips and Tricks

This program is meant to help you have a healthy back in every aspect of your life. So in addition to the therapeutic healing moves, you will also get daily tips and tricks that you can easily incorporate into your life so your spine is safeguarded and stays in peak condition 24/7.

Here's What People Are Saying...

Why do you want to break free from pain?

  • Maintain Mobility and Independence
  • Improve Sleep Quality
  • Dive Back Into Old Hobbies That Had Become Too Painful
  • Travel Without Strain on Your Back
  • Get Through a Long Day at Work Without Aches and Pains
  • Play with Kids and Grandkids Again
  • Lose Weight
  • Decrease Depression and Increase Energy
  • Stop Taking Dangerous Prescription Meds and Avoid Surgery
  • Save Time and Money on Weekly Back Appointments
  • Get Back to Feeling Like "Me" Again

Why do most programs fail?

Get Back To The Happy Healthy Life You Deserve!

What Will You Receive?

Everything you will need for a healthy, more youthful and pain-free body.

Detailed, follow-along video demonstrations of these precise healing moves so you never have to worry if you’re doing them right.

3-Phase program to ease you into better strength, flexibility and balance.

Begin feeling the results in just minutes!

  • The ten minute healthy back seated routine that you can do easily at home or at work without hassle
  • Cutting edge core moves for a tighter flatter stomach and a supported healthy spine.
  • In-depth demonstrations of the one stretch that can stop sciatica.
  • Instant relief for your neck, shoulders, middle back, lower back and hips.
  • Gentle stretches to immediately relieve your tight tense muscles so you can enjoy your daily activities again.
  • Personalized modifications and adjustments so you can follow along at any age and any fitness level.

Free Bonus #1

The Back to Life Full-Color Companion Manual - $29 Value

This handy manual gives you all of the same therapeutic healthy back moves, with full color instructional pictures, in an easy to bring-along format. So if you can’t watch the videos you can still have relief at your fingertips.

  • All of the same healthy back moves in an easy-to-take-along format.
  • Full-color pictures of demonstrations.
  • Quick and simple reference guide when you don’t have time or access to play the videos.

Most people love to have this handy manual because it gives you the extra guidance and coaching advantages as if you had your own personal instructor everywhere you go…without having to pay an arm and a leg.

In fact, today it doesn’t cost you anything. It is my gift to you…absolutely free.

Free Bonus #2

The Healthy Back Checklist - $29 Value

How would you like a collection of my favorite simple tricks you can use throughout your day for a pain free back? Over the years I have seen people overcome years of pain just by making one slight adjustment to their daily habits.

Proven tips for a healthier back like...

  • The Simple Way to Stand That Stops Aches and Pains
  • The Best Sleep Position for Healthy Hips and Spine
  • Diet and Nutrition Tips to Ease Pain
  • Proper Footwear to Reduce Lower Back Pain
  • And much more!

Most people love to have this handy manual because it gives you the extra guidance and coaching advantages as if you had your own personal instructor everywhere you go…without having to pay an arm and a leg.

In fact, today it doesn’t cost you anything. It is my gift to you…absolutely free.

You’ll get these special bonuses 100% free when you order today.

So go ahead and claim your copy of the Back to Life, Complete Healthy Back System.

But before you do, I want to reassure you…

You will experience the relief and renewed sense of vitality you’ve been longing for, or I will insist that we give you your money back. Even if you don’t send me back the program!

When I created this program I had only one goal in mind…

I wanted YOU to have an affordable program that would allow you to experience the same amazing results that changed my life.

Money Back Guarantee

I’m giving you a FULL 60 days to test this program for yourself. I want you to wake up feeling pain-free and great in your body again. I want you to feel an incredible sense of confidence in knowing that you were able to overcome pain all on your own, without being a slave to long appointments or toxic medications. And enjoy living in your body every day as you gain energy, trim down, and experience youthful mobility again.

That’s why I’m willing to risk the full cost of manufacturing by offering you the chance to try the Back to Life system for 60 full days with zero risk on your part. If you’re not satisfied for any reason during this time, just let us know, and my customer support team will give you a prompt and speedy refund. In fact, I am so confident that this program will help you that I won’t even ask you to mail it back. Keep it or pass it on to someone you love.

No hassle. No waiting in line at the post office. You’ll get a full refund - no questions asked.

Order the Back to Life Complete Healthy Back System today and unlock your body’s natural ability to feel younger, stronger and more pain free every day!

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$197 $45

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60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!

60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!

Today you will receive instant access to:

The complete healthy back system videos:

  • 3 levels of healthy back routines with modifications to end back pain for good.
  • The 10-Minute Healthy Back Chair Routine that you can do at a desk at work or even while watching tv on the couch.
  • Several variations of the 30-second stretch to stop lower back pain and sciatica at its root.

The Healthy Back Checklist featuring:

  • Simple daily tips to stop back pain like how to sleep, sit, eat, and even what shoes to wear.

The Back to Life Companion manual:

  • Pictures and descriptions of each stretch in the program.
  • Bring it on the go for fast and easy access.

PLUS Four Special Bonus Gifts Today Only:

  • The Three Stretch Pain-Free video for total back release.
  • The Strong Core Fast video for a stable spine and flat belly.
  • The Lower Back Release video for fast relief from aches.
  • The Healthy Hiplflexors video to unlock sore hip muscles.

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$197 $45

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60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!

60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I’m weak or not very flexible?

Don’t worry, every move in this program is meant to work for different bodies. You will have different levels and modifications to work with. This isn’t some crazy, twisty, sweaty workout program….this is the therapeutic method that toned my body and relieved my back pain when I could barely even move. In fact, all of the moves in the first video can even be done while sitting in a chair!

Q. I'm over 60, will I still be able to do this program?

Absolutely! Each phase of the program has multiple levels and modifications so it doesn’t matter how old you are or what kind of shape you are in. You will experience wonderful benefits at any age. In fact, the very first video in this program can be done even while sitting in a chair. So if you have limited mobility, you can easily follow along and get all of the same great results.

Q. What if I'm too busy to do this program?

As a busy working mom of two, I know what it’s like to not have much extra “me time.” That is why I designed this program to fit easily into your daily life. In fact, many of the healing movements and stretches in this program can be done in only 30-seconds while you are sitting at your desk at work or even at the kitchen table. And on the days when you have more time to indulge, I include longer soothing routines that are as enjoyable as they are relaxing.

Q. What if I try this and it doesn't work for me?

I am so confident that you will see and feel the fast results from this program that I will personally refund 100% of your payment for a full 60 days after your purchase. No hassles. No questions asked.

Q. I've tried other treatments and programs and nothing has worked for me.

In most cases, traditional treatment methods are meant to treat the symptoms of your pain, without treating the cause. That is why so many people find themselves back in pain within months or weeks of completing treatment and feeling hopeless. But don’t worry, if you have found yourself in that same situation, you didn’t do anything wrong. The Back to Life system is designed to address the root cause of your back pain so that your body can sustain its healthy, pain-free alignment for the long-term. This is the only program of its kind.

Q. Are my credit card and personal information safe?

Absolutely. When you click the button below this video, you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information are electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted by over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

Q. Who is ClickBank?

Clickbank is a global platform where product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s rigorous approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.

Q. Will I be billed more than once?

Answer: Absolutely not. Back To Life is a one-time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever.

I know you’re going to be thrilled with how easy it is to finally get the healthy back results you’ve been longing for. There is nothing I love more than sharing this life-changing gift with others, and I can’t wait to hear from you as you experience the amazing results for yourself. So go ahead and click the button below and join me in reclaiming the pain-free, vibrant life you were made for.

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$197 $45

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60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!

60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!

Today you will receive instant access to:

The complete healthy back system videos:

  • 3 levels of healthy back routines with modifications to end back pain for good.
  • The 10-Minute Healthy Back Chair Routine that you can do at a desk at work or even while watching tv on the couch.
  • Several variations of the 30-second stretch to stop lower back pain and sciatica at its root.

The Healthy Back Checklist featuring:

  • Simple daily tips to stop back pain like how to sleep, sit, eat, and even what shoes to wear.

The Back to Life Companion manual:

  • Pictures and descriptions of each stretch in the program.
  • Bring it on the go for fast and easy access.

PLUS Four Special Bonus Gifts Today Only:

  • The Three Stretch Pain-Free video for total back release.
  • The Strong Core Fast video for a stable spine and flat belly.
  • The Lower Back Release video for fast relief from aches.
  • The Healthy Hiplflexors video to unlock sore hip muscles.

Physical Products + Stream or Download on Any Device

$197 $45

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60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!

60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.

No questions asked!